Posts tagged wellness
The Many Benefits of Eucalyptus

While not purposely mentioning a certain virus, just because we don’t say the word doesn’t mean we don’t feel the affects of having our very lives changed overnight. The anxiety and stress it has brought can be overwhelming — however, it can be managed.

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Cannabis and Epilepsy

Meet Rashad Houston, the Navy vet and father of two who was diagnosed with epilepsy the summer of 2015 at the age of 29. Having developed this tragic illness from what seemed like something out of the blue, this month Rashad is celebrating seventeen months seizure free.

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4 Reasons Believing in Yourself is Essential

In the exact same moment you’re reading this, you can change your story and decide to become the person you desire to be. One new decision at a time. In order to keep up the momentum, you’re going to need a whole load of self belief.

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Why Turmeric Should Be A Part Of Your Diet