The Benefits Of A Diet High In Fruit and Vegetables


Eating a diet rich in vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet may reduce risk for heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure and some cancers, due to both being loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants.  They are also low in calories, making them a great choice for your waistline.  Most fruits are naturally low in fat, sodium, and calories.  None have cholesterol.  The fruit skins are rich in dietary fiber, which is a major contributing factor in proper digestion and the excretion process of your body, while simultaneously keeping you safe from problems like gastritis and constipation. 

However, in some cases, the skin is thick, like in lemons, bananas, melons, and oranges, and cannot be consumed by humans.  In those cases, the edible part of the flesh within the skin has plenty of fiber as well.  The fiber content in fruit not only has an amazing laxative effect but also makes you feel full by adding bulk nutrition to the diet.  Fibrous fruits also benefit conditions like heart diseases by reducing hyperlipidemia and hypertension, diabetes mellitus and obesity.  Owing to this fibrous composition, fruits also have anti-carcinogenic properties and are known to prevent colon cancer and fight bowel irregularity disorders.

We’ve known that fruits have immense nutritional value, but obviously, the type and quantity of nutrients vary between types.  As the composition changes with each fruit, the health benefits also change with them.  The beneficial powers of some common fruits are discussed below.


Mangos contain an abundance of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that assure your optimum health. Similar to papayas, they contain certain enzymes with stomach comforting properties.  Mangos are rich in fiber, so if you have at least one mango every day, you are almost guaranteed to prevent constipation, piles, and symptoms of a spastic colon.  Yet another helpful effect of mangos is their high potassium content.

It is well known any fruit rich in vitamin C will strengthen and support our immune system.  Vitamin C works with other micro nutrients that provide good and regular nourishment for the body.  Micro nutrient deficiencies of vitamins A, B6, C, and E have been found to alter immune responses in animals and are thought to have a similar effect on the human immune response.  Grapefruit is a popular diet staple among those looking to lose weight.  A high metabolism can continue to burn fat in the body even when it is resting. 

Apples are a good example of a complete healthy fruit.  It helps in digestion, strengthens bones, provides relief from asthma, lowers blood cholesterol, prevents cancer and helps in reducing weight.

Another beneficial fruit is the pear, which is a good source of fiber, vitamin C, B2, E, copper, and potassium.  Pears are an excellent source of pectin and fiber that effectively lowers cholesterol levels.  It is mostly prescribed for infants, as it is believed to be a hypoallergenic fruit that is completely safe for young children to ingest.

Grapes are also a common fruit that can be easily included in your regular diet.  Grapes alleviate indigestion, constipation, fatigue, kidney disorders and eye problems.  It is rich in several vitamins and also possesses minerals like calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, and selenium. 

Berries such as blueberries, cherries, and blackberries prevent cancer and keep your heart protected.  If you include cherries or cherry juice in your diet, you can eliminate the associated pain from arthritis, gout and joint inflammation.  Berries have the capability of curing arthritis naturally.  Blueberries with high silicon content, aid in the functioning of the pancreas and is good for diabetic conditions.  Blackberries can naturally control diarrhea and form new blood cells, but excessive intake can also have an adverse reaction resulting in promoting constipation.  If you mix blackberries with cherries or prune juice, it will prevent the possibility of constipation.  High sodium and potassium content in gooseberries and huckleberries protect the liver and intestinal tract.

Including vegetables in your diet is extremely important.  Veggies are incredibly rich in nutrients and antioxidants, which boost your health and help fight off disease.  Health authorities around the world recommend that adults consume several servings of vegetables each day, but this can be difficult for some people. 

Here are some unique ways to incorporate vegetables into your diet.


Soups are an excellent way to consume multiple servings of vegetables at once.  You can make veggies the “base” by pureeing them and adding spices.  Adding even a small amount of extra vegetables, such as broccoli, to soups is a great way to increase your intake of fiber, vitamins and minerals. 


Smoothies make for a refreshing breakfast or snack.  Typically, they are made by combining fruit with ice, milk or water in a blender.  However, you can also add vegetables to smoothies without compromising the flavor.  Adding spinach and kale to smoothies is an easy way to get more nutrients. 


Omelets are a great dish to incorporate into your diet.  Any type of veggies taste great in omelets. Spinach, onions and tomatoes are common additions. 


Using lettuce as a wrap or certain veggies as buns in place of tortillas and bread is an easy way to eat more veggies.  Lettuce wraps can be a part of several types of dishes, and are often used to make low-carb sandwiches and bun-less burgers.  Many types of veggies, such as Portobello mushroom caps, sliced sweet potatoes and sliced eggplant make excellent buns.  Replacing flour-based products with veggies is a great way to reduce your carb intake, will consuming lots of nutrients.



A serial entrepreneur and former financial advisor, Jean Titus discovered his purpose and passion through the heartache of losing loved ones far too early. He lives his mantra – “We rise by lifting others” – daily as a life coach and Personal Trainer. Jean brings a simplicity and practicality to his work, helping clients draw on their strengths to realize the one thing money can’t buy – good health and wellness. Follow him on Instagram and his fitness journey!