Full Moon Ritual


Rituals are a part of life. We participate in them, even on a subconscious level. By definition, aritual is a sequence of activities involving gestures, words, actions, or objects, performed in a sequestered place and according to a set sequence. A moon ritual is a wonderful way to not only get in sync with the power of the moon, but also to set powerful intentions while simultaneously letting go of things and people that no longer serve us. 

Full moons are nourishing, and they're also the embodiment of powerful creative energy and intuitive breakthroughs. The moon, symbolic of the feminine, receives the light of the sun, shining it back to us with illumination, and it accentuates everything that we've been working on during the waxing phase. This is the time to reflect on what the full moon brings up for you, and also the time to release something from your life. So how does one properly perform a Full Moon Ritual? 

Each practitioner brings their own personal elements to a ritual. It can be completely customized to fit your desired outcome by abiding by the same rules. 

In order to complete a ritual, you will need the following:

  1. White Candle

  2. Palo Santo or Sage

  3. Journal

  4. Crystals (to be charged under the moonlight)

To start, get outside at night and let the light of the moon shine upon you. If you're unable to get outdoors, sitting by a window will suffice. Allow the moonlight to wash over you. To begin the ritual, smudge yourself and the area you are going to be working in with either Palo Santo or Sage, and call on the 4 Elements (Earth, Air, Water, Fire) or any ancestors or guides. Next, focus inward by meditation (we love this guided meditation for people who struggle with silence). Once you're done, take a moment to write about the things you wish to let go. This could be a relationship, a thought pattern, a grudge, a physical ailment or negative feelings such as anger or envy. Once you're done, fold the letter up and burn it with the white candle.